
Below is a compilation of digital and print resources on Indigenous Theater and Performance. This list is not comprehensive, but is a glimpse into a wide and expansive body of writing, thinking and performing about Indigeneity.

If you have additional resources, or questions, on Native and Indigenous Performance that you want to add, please write in the comments.


Native Voices at the Autry 

Native Earth Performing Arts 

Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (See Archived video performances)

Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics 

Latina/o Theatre Commons at Howlround

Metis in Space (A great podcast for thinking with smart Metis folks on representations of Natives in film! And hilarious!)

Native Appropriations (A FANTASTIC blog by Visiting Post-Doctoral Professor Adrienne Keene at Brown)

Not Artomatic: A Blog Wrestling with Art by Lara Evans

Native American Women’s Playwright’s Archive 


Playing Indian by Phillip Deloria

The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas by Diana Taylor

Contemporary Theater in Mayan Mexico: Death-Defying Acts by Tamara Underiner

Performing Worlds into Being: Native American Women’s Theater Edited by A. E. Artmstrong, K.L. Johnson and W.A. Wortman

Theater, Society and the Nation: Staging American Identities by S.E. Wilmur